The ThyCa Person to Person Network


The ThyCa Person to Person Network believes that no person should have to face thyroid cancer alone. 

We are a network of thyroid cancer survivors who support the needs of people with thyroid cancer, as well as their families and caregivers. Wherever you are around the world, we will try to find a volunteer to listen and offer support.

Volunteers answer questions based on their own experiences and offer insights on how they are coping with thyroid cancer. They offer an empathetic listening ear to others in the same situation.

Volunteers do not give medical advice or medical opinions of any kind.  They are not health professionals and do not offer guidance for individual situations. They simply share their experiences and offer emotional support.

The Person to Person Network offers one-to-one support services free of charge.


We match people with thyroid cancer as closely as possible with a volunteer who has experience with the same form of cancer.   

Volunteers offer insight into their own experiences in coping with thyroid cancer.  Volunteers do not give medical advice or medical opinions of any kind. 

We ask that you share feedback from your experience with the Person to Person Network to help us improve this service.  Please send your feedback to


To be matched with a volunteer simply click MATCHED TO A VOLUNTEER

To express your interest in becoming a volunteer, simply click  BECOME A VOLUNTEER.

Please check your spam folder for an email if you don’t hear from your TPPN volunteer.

Last updated:  November 30, 2023