Teens Special Interest Group

Meets: The ThyCa Teens Support Group holds free virtual meetings on the second Tuesday of each month from 8:00 to 9:00 pm Eastern Time. This group discusses topics of interest for teens who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The group is open to young people between the ages of 13 and 21 who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and will be facilitated by teen thyroid cancer survivors now in their late 20s.

Please email our group facilitators at teens-sig@thyca.org for answers to any questions and the instructions on how to join us. Once we give you the instructions, they will be good for all our meetings.

Contacts: Brittany Avin McKelvey
Alisa Erck
Julia Zalta
email: teens-sig@thyca.org

Brittany was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer at the age of 13, undergoing a total thyroidectomy with a bilateral central neck dissection, followed by radioactive iodine treatment. Brittany also has permanent vocal cord paralysis and has undergone restorative vocal cord surgeries. Brittany is in her late-20s and lives in North Carolina with her husband and cat. She received her PhD studying thyroid cancer, and now works for a non-profit cancer advocacy organization in Washington, D.C. Brittany has been involved in ThyCa's Person-to-Person Network (TPPN) since 2018 emailing and speaking with parents and young people aged 16 and older about their thyroid cancer journey, and also serves as a patient advocate for a variety of organizations.

Please check your spam folder for an email if you don't hear from us.

Special Events: On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 22-24, 2021, you are cordially invited to the 24th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Virtual Conference. This free event is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc.

Dozens of leading thyroid cancer specialists from around the country will speak and answer questions about thyroid cancer care and research.  The weekend also features speakers and roundtables on skills for coping with thyroid cancer.  This educational and supportive conference is for people at all phases of testing, treatment, and follow-up for thyroid cancer, as well as caregivers, friends, health care professionals, and anyone interested in thyroid cancer.

Visit https://thycaconference.vfairs.com to register for the conference and for additional information as it becomes available.

Other nearby ThyCa support groups:

Return to the Local Support Groups home page.

Nothing discussed at a support group should be considered as a replacement for a doctor's care. We do not give medical advice. We do share support and our own experiences. We are each ultimately responsible for our own care.

Send updates to the webmasters and support group coordinator.
If the above link does not work for you, please send updates to sgweb@thyca.org. Include the name of your group.

This page was updated on Feb 17, 2025.