ThyCa AHCAT Honduras Support Group

Meets: The AHCAT ThyCa Honduras support group meets twice a month. Please contact the facilitator at for exact dates and times. Our meetings are in Spanish, but English is also spoken.

El grupo de apoyo AHCAT ThyCa Honduras se reúne dos veces al mes. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el facilitador en para las fechas exactas y horas. Nuestras reuniones son en español, pero también se habla Inglés.

Location: Centro de Día del IPM,
Lomas de Toncontín,
calle principal,
frente a iglesia Amor Viviente,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

We are located in Col. Godoy, adjacent to the building of the Honduran Social Investment Fund (FHIS) and the Officers' Wives Club.

Estamos ubicados en la Col. Godoy, contiguo al edificio del Fondo Hondureño de Inversión Social (FHIS) y el Club de Esposas de Oficiales.

Directions: Map to the area of Centro de Día del IPM (provided by Google Maps®).

Mapa de la zona de Centro de Día del IPM Proporcionado por Google Maps®).

Contacts: Facilitator/Facilitador: Damaris Fernández  32127505 y 96750990

Please check your spam folder for an email if you don't hear from us.

Please also read the AHCAT flyer (Honduras Association for Cancer of the Thyroid - Spanish) and visit our Facebook page "Cancer de tiroides Honduras".

Aconseja además leer las volante AHCAT (Asociación Hondureña de Cáncer de Tiroides) y visite nuestra página de Facebook "El cáncer de tiroides Honduras".
Special Events: On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 22-24, 2021, you are cordially invited to the 24th International Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Virtual Conference. This free event is sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc.

Dozens of leading thyroid cancer specialists from around the country will speak and answer questions about thyroid cancer care and research.  The weekend also features speakers and roundtables on skills for coping with thyroid cancer.  This educational and supportive conference is for people at all phases of testing, treatment, and follow-up for thyroid cancer, as well as caregivers, friends, health care professionals, and anyone interested in thyroid cancer.

Visit to register for the conference and for additional information as it becomes available.

Other nearby ThyCa support groups:

Return to the Local Support Groups home page.

Nothing discussed at a support group should be considered as a replacement for a doctor's care. We do not give medical advice. We do share support and our own experiences. We are each ultimately responsible for our own care.

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This page was updated on Dec 09, 2023.