You are invited to take part in a brief one-time-only online survey (survey invitation PDF). This study is being conducted by Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in collaboration with ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association, Inc. (ThyCa). We are seeking to better understand symptoms related to radioactive iodine treatment and patients’ experiences, including worry, self-confidence in managing side-effects, and overall functioning. We are looking to enroll people who have been diagnosed with differentiated thyroid cancer (papillary and/or follicular) in the past 3 years and received radioactive iodine treatment in the past 3 years. The Principal Investigator is Alaina L. Carr, PhD (Research Study # 00005285).
You are eligible for the research study if you:
- Are at least 18 years old, or older
- Were diagnosed with differentiated thyroid cancer (e.g., papillary or follicular thyroid cancer) within the past three years
- Received radioactive iodine treatment within the past three years
- Are able to provide an informed consent in English
- Have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet connectivity
What does study participation involve?
- You will be asked to complete a one-time-only online survey, which takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
- You will be compensated $20 in the form of an Amazon gift card after you complete the online survey.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please complete the following form:
You are also welcomed to call or email if you have any questions about the study or to learn if you are eligible to participate. Please contact our research staff at (202)-687-0958 or at
Thank you,
Alaina L. Carr, PhD
Principal Investigator
Cancer Prevention and Control Program