For the Newly Diagnosed

Free Patient Information Packet.  
We mail the packet to people anywhere in the world, at no charge. The packet includes your choice of one of the free handbooks: Thyroid Cancer Basics, Medullary Thyroid Cancer, or Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer, plus more materials. Click here to ask for a packet.

Contents of this Page

Getting Started
Free Support Services
Thyroid Cancer Facts, Symptoms, and Causes
Thyroid Nodules and Diagnosing Thyroid Cancer
Treatment, Follow-up, and Long-Term Care
More Resources


Here are some places to start reading on ThyCa’s web site. Our web site also has links to additional helpful resources. If you have questions or need help finding information, e-mail to One of our correspondence volunteers will be glad to help you.

We invite you also to connect with others who have thyroid cancer, through our many free support services, as well as to learn from experts and meet other patients and caregivers at our seminars, workshops, and the annual Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Conference.

The goal of all these services and resources is to ensure that no one has to feel alone while coping with thyroid cancer.

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Getting Started

Thyroid Cancer Basics
English  / Spanish  / Arabic / Chinese / Hebrew / Italian / Russian / Ukrainian

This handbook covers all types of thyroid cancer and their diagnosis, treatment, and long-term follow-up. Added sections discuss physician selection, patient-physician communications, free support services, and more resources. Numerous physicians, plus patients and caregivers, developed this handbook. It is available free by download or by mail. To receive a copy by mail, sign up through the Free Newsletter & Packet link at the upper right of this page.

Questions You May Want to Ask Your Doctor

Thyroid Cancer Types, Stages, and Treatment Overview

Free Downloadable Publications

Find a Thyroid Specialist

Free Videos With Experts

Reference Book for Patients and Caregivers: Thyroid Cancer: A Guide for Patients

This book is available in English and Spanish editions. It has over 400 pages in 40 chapters with checklists and illustrations. The authors include 29 physicians from the many specialties involved in thyroid cancer care and research, plus additional medical professionals as well as thyroid cancer survivors and caregivers.

Patient Checklist

Thyoid Cancer Patient Journey Map

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Free Support Services

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Thyroid Cancer Facts, Symptoms, and Causes

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Thyroid Nodules and Diagnosing Thyroid Cancer

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Treatment, Follow-up, and Long-Term Care

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More Resources

Further Information 


General | Papillary/Follicular | Medullary | Anaplastic | More Resources

Here are some places to start reading on ThyCa’s web site. Our web site has more than 500 pages, plus links to more. If you have questions or need help finding information, e-mail to One of our correspondence volunteers will be glad to help you.


Free Handbook -- Thyroid Cancer Basics: 
   English  / Spanish / Arabic / Chinese / Hebrew / Italian / Russian / Ukrainian
Questions You May Want to Ask 
Glossary of Terms 
Thyroid Cancer: A Guide for Patients -- Reference Book for Patients
    and Caregivers (available in English and Spanish editions)
Free Downloadable Publications 
Find a Thyroid Specialist
Find a Local ThyCa Support Group Near You
The ThyCa Person-to-Person Network, for one-to-one support
ThyCa's E-Mail Support Groups HTML  
ThyCa-Inspire Online Support Community 
Free Service: Lotsa Helping Hands. Free online caregiving coordination service 
Information in Spanish
In Chinese: Thyroid Cancer Topics
In Japanese: Thyroid Cancer Information

Symptoms and Causes

Nodules and Diagnosing Thyroid Cancer

Papillary, Follicular, and variants such as tall cell and Hurthle cell

Medullary Thyroid Cancer

Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

More Resources

Last updated: August 18, 2024