Board of Directors

We are proud to introduce the members of our all-volunteer ThyCa Board of Directors, our fulltime Executive Director, and our committees and advisors.

The members of our Board of Directors bring diverse backgrounds and professional experience to their volunteer service to ThyCa. In addition to giving much time to direct support of thyroid cancer survivors, our Directors meet online to plan and develop our services.

Our board members also handle numerous behind-the-scenes tasks needed to keep our services running smoothly, lead outreach and development efforts, and guide and support all our volunteers. Our hundreds of volunteers serve on committees that provide direct support services, organize educational events, develop print and electronic materials, and are involved in outreach activities and research advocacy.

In collaboration with the Board of Directors, ThyCa's Executive Director is responsible for day-to-day management to further ThyCa's vision and strategic plan to further grow support services, education, and outreach, especially for underserved populations, as well as to foster research advocacy and alliances.

Board of Directors
Anjali Kapoor-Davis, Secretary
Bill McClain
Bill Nelson
Bridget Corcoran, Treasurer
Howard Solomon, Chair
Valronica Scales, Vice Chair

General Counsel
Kurt Alexander

Board Members Emeritus 

In recognition of their contributions on ThyCa's volunteer board of directors, several past board members have been given the honorary title of Board Member Emeritus. Their service to ThyCa is greatly appreciated.
Sara Brenner
Joni Eskenazi
Karen Ferguson
Ron Grafman 
Leah Guljord
Kim Van Hassel
Peggy Melton 
Mary Catherine Bassett Petermann
Melanie Reiser
Marilyn Sherman
Betty Solbjor
Eric Vahlbusch
Kathryn Wall

In Loving Memory of
Board Members Emeritus
Joel Amromin (1945-2023)
Ric Blake (1945-2011)
Jan Scheuerman (1933-2007)
Megan Stendebach (1961-2008) 
Jo Walker (1932-2013)
Mary Rose Weckerle (1946-2021)
Cherry Wunderlich (1944-2021)

Executive Director
Gary Bloom

Year-Round Committees and Coordinators

Support Services
Email Support Groups — Abby Melendez, Gary Bloom, Patti Woodbury
Email Response Team — Colleen Dolinish, Pat Paillard
Local Support Groups — Abby Melendez
ThyCa Person To Person Network — Theresa Wickerham
Toll-Free Number Team — Gary Bloom

Conference — Gary Bloom, Colleen Dolinish, Matt Faraca
Website — Betty Solbjor, Gary Bloom, Matt Faraca
Workshops — Gary Bloom, Colleen Dolinish

Outreach, Awareness, Community Relations
Email list — Gary Bloom, Colleen Dolinish
Newsletter — Gary Bloom, Colleen Dolinish, Julia Caine
Professional Relations, Associations — Gary Bloom
Social Media — Morgan Powers, Colleen Dolinish

Research, Resource Development, Volunteers
Fundraising Programs — Anita Hubbard, Gary Bloom, Colleen Dolinish
Membership — Colleen Dolinish
Research Advocacy and Grants — Gary Bloom
Spirit Items — Colleen Dolinish
Technology — Gary Bloom, Matt Faraca
Volunteers — Gary Bloom, Colleen Dolinish

....and more programs and projects that welcome volunteers.

Non-Discrimination Policy
ThyCa is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures, including admission to educational programs and employment.

Updated: March 11, 2025