ThyCa provides an email discussion listserv through which is formatted as a general listserv and various subgroup options based on different parts of the thyroid cancer journey. This listserv offers people the opportunity to offer support, and share information and questions about their thyroid cancer journey via email messages. Subscribing puts you instantly in touch with many people worldwide, all dealing with thyroid cancer. The listserv is free, simple to manage and participate in. You can choose to receive individual email messages or daily digests; a third option is receiving no email at all and visiting the list's website to read and respond to messages through the permanent list archive.
This listserv is for education and support purposes only. You can also contact ThyCa to learn more about thyroid cancer and to participate in our support groups and events.
To join us on go to and click on the blue button below the group description. You can join the “Main” ThyCa Support Group or one of the specific subgroups
Updated December 17, 2022